Killarney Fire Ban is lifted!!! That means fireworks are a go and we can responsibly enjoy campfires again! ...
Saturday, July 3rd, 2021 @ 8pm (fire restrictions permitting)We still have our fingers crossed for this event! Pray for rain!!!(Raindate - or fire ban date - Saturday of the August long weekend) For more details please visit: https://kraa.ca/events/canada-day-4th-of-july-boat-parade-and-fireworks/ ...
The KRAA is proud to be participating in the 2021 “Your Lakes, Your Views” survey with Safe Quiet Lakes. The survey looks at what people value from their cottage experience, how they use the water and what their boating activity concerns are. This helps us to understand the priorities of our members ...
I know it rained last night but just as a reminder, there is a complete and total fire ban in effect in all of the Municipality of Killarney. While it may have you scratching your head, it makes sense when you think that lots of the north is currently ablaze and were we to have a fire in the area (as ...
Saturday, July 3rd, 2021 @ 8pm Pray for rain so this event can go ahead!!!(Raindate - or fire ban date - Saturday of the August long weekend) See full datails at: https://kraa.ca/events/canada-day-4th-of-july-boat-parade-and-fireworks/ ...
Georgian Bay Association's June eNewsletter is out and contains many articles of interest to the community. See: https://email.georgianbay.ca/t/ViewEmail/i/2F4B559D0F4A21322540EF23F30FEDED/9E0755C2BC1D4BF80F8C96E86323F7F9 (If you would like future issues of eUpdate delivered direct to your inbox, subscribe ...
Unintentionally inhibiting someone else’s enjoyment of the water can be stressful for everyone involved. Make sure you know and follow the laws whenever you are on the water. https://georgianbay.ca/news/know-the-boating-laws-breaking-them-could-be-costly ...
Everywhere in Northern Georgian Bay, including the Key River area, is under a total fire ban due to the extreme dry conditions. All outdoor burning of any kind is prohibited - (i.e. no incinerators, no cooking/warmth fires). This is a major disappointment to us all but of course, no one wants a forest ...
No matter how much experience you have, it’s always a good idea to brush up on boating safety rules and practices. Below are a few simple tips and reminders that will help you have a fun and safe boating season. https://georgianbay.ca/news/simple-safe-boating-essentials-for-boaters-and-paddlers ...
Very timely article, written by our own KRAA neighbour, Andrew Hurlbut. In this tinder dry time in the area, Andrew provides lots of tips for reducing your fire risk - both for at home and at the camp. Check out his article at the link below: Fire Proof Your Life: The Basics ...