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When I first came to Key Harbour, I was unaware that there was a community. I found, after bumping into some friendly types at the Marina, that there were in fact, lots of great people who, like me, loved the place. Unlike me, these many had been around the place for a long time – they knew how great it was. Now I do, too. These families of individuals have built, maintained and nurtured the place that I am now lucky enough to own a part of. The Key River Area is a treasure in Ontario and in Canada. If you believe as I do that it should be kept for future generations, used lovingly, and quietly celebrated, then I invite you to join the rest of us who also believe in this gift of place. The KRAA has a picnic, runs a fishing derby for little children, puts navigation buoys in the river, maintains an ambulance helipad, helps with fire protection. If you see value in even one of these, please join your association. The return on investment will last for generations.

– John S. Bell, Past-president, KRAA  

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